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[HACK] faronics anti-executable

Senin, 07 Oktober 2013
Posted by Unknown

Kamis, 06 Juni 2013
Posted by Unknown

Profil dan Biodata Super Junior Lengkap

Profil dan Biodata Super Junior Lengkap – Ada yang belum kenal dengan salah satu grup boyband paling terkenal di Korea saat ini, yaitu Super Junior atau yang biasa disingkat SJ atau SuJu? Mungkin yang belum kenal, kamu termasuk salah satu yang tak suka dengan grup boyband asal Korea atau kurang mengikuti infotainment saat ini, atau jangan-jangan kamu malah tidak punya TV dirumah? Hehe :D

Super Junior

Sedikit ulasan, Super Junior merupakan salah satu boyband asal Seoul, Korea Selatan. Boyband ini mulai dibentuk sejak tahun 2001 dengan personil yang pertama kali direkrut adalah Han Geng. Kemudian direkrut lagi beberapa anggota seperti Shindong, Sungmin dan lain-lain pada berbagai audisi yang dilakukan SM Entertainment sampai tahun 2005.

Tahukah kamu, ternyata Super Junior bukanlah nama yang akan digadang-gadang kepada ke 13 member ini pertama kali, rencananya grup mereka ini akan dinamai O.V.E.R (Obey the Voice for Each Rhythm), tapi seiring perjalanan waktu nama grup ini akhirnya berubah menjadi Super Junior sebagai nama resmi  mereka boyband ini.

Tahukah kamu juga bahwa Super Junior ketika pertama kali dibentuk ternyata memiliki 2 line-up yaitu Super Junior 05 dan Super Junior 06, dan punya beberapa sub unit yang terbentuk ketika tahun 2006 sampai tahun 2007, Super Junior-K.R.Y, Super Junior-T, Super Junior-M, Super Junior-Happy. Banyak kan?

Super Junior boleh dikatakan resmi terbentuk tanggal 11 September 2005, ini dimulai dengan pra-debut Super Junior 05 di channel Korea M-net. Nah, pada Februari 2006 Super Junior akhirnya menggunakan nama Super Junior, tanpa lagi menggunakan akhiran 05 ataupun 06.

Dari segi anggota, Super Junior punya 13 anggota yaitu Leeteuk, Heechul, Hankyung, Yesung, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Siwon, Donghae, Ryeowok, Kibum dan Kyuhyun. Tapi sayangnya, saat ini hanya ada 9 anggota yang aktif karena Hankyung mengundurkan diri, Kibum yang ingin lebih fokus ke dunia akting dan Heechul yang sedang mengikuti wajib militer.

Nah, kali ini kita kan membahas biodata profil ke 13 anggota Super Junior ini yang sangat banyak digemari oleh para remaja bahakan orang dewasi di Indonesia. Bahkan kepopulerannya mengalahkan artis-artis di Indonesia sekalipun. Berikut Profil dan Biodata Super Junior Lengkap:

Biodata Leeteuk Super Junior
Leeteuk Super Junior
Nama Asli: Park Jung-soo, 박정수 (Hangul),  朴正洙 (Hanja), Li Te (Mandarin)
Nama Panggilan: Malaikat Tanpa Sayap, Bebek, Peterpan, Pemimpin Spesial, Gaeteuk
Tempat / Tanggal Lahir: Seoul Yeonshinnae / 1 Juli 1983
Tinggi Badan: 178 cm, tapi sebenarnya sih 175 cm
Berat Badan: 59 Kg
Golongan Darah: A
Agama: Kristen
Posisi: Leader, Vokalis, Dancer
Sub-Unit: Super Junior T, H
Status: Aktif
Keahlian: Piano dan komposisi musik

Biodata Heechul Super Junior
Heechul Super Junior
Nama Asli: Kim Hee-chul, 김희철 (Hangul),  金希澈 (Hanja), Xi Che (Mandarin)
Nama Panggilan: Heenim, Cinderella, Ular, Flower, Kim Pink
Tempat / Tanggal Lahir: Hoengseong, Kangwondo / 10 Juli 1983
Tinggi Badan: 179 cm
Berat Badan: 60 Kg
Golongan Darah: AB
Agama: Atheis / Agnostik
Posisi: Vokalis, Visual
Sub-Unit: Super Junior T
Status: Sementara tidak aktif
Keahlian / Hobi: Menulis puisi, cerita dongeng, main game komputer. Aneh ya, seperti tidak nyambung dengan keahlian seorang penyanyi.

Biodata Hankyung Super Junior
Hankyung Super Junior
Nama Asli: Han Geng, 박정수 (Hangul),  朴正洙 (Hanja), Hangeng (Mandarin)
Nama Panggilan: Nasi Goreng Beijing, Naga
Tempat / Tanggal Lahir: Mudanjiang, Provinsi Hei Long Jiang / 9 Februari 1989
Tinggi Badan: 181 cm
Berat Badan: 66 Kg
Golongan Darah: B
Agama: Atheis
Posisi: Dancer, Vokalis
Sub-Unit: Super Junior M
Status: Mengundurkan diri
Keahlian / Hobi: Ballet, Tarian China, Main Game

Biodata Yesung Super Junior
Yesung Super Junior
Nama Asli: Kim Jong-woon, 김종운 (Hangul),  金鐘雲 (Hanja), Yi Xing (Mandarin)
Nama Panggilan: Anjing Rabies, Awan, Anjing (Shio)
Tempat / Tanggal Lahir: Chunahn, Provinsi Choongchung / 24 Agustus 1984
Tinggi Badan: 178 cm
Berat Badan: 64 Kg
Golongan Darah: AB
Agama: Katolik
Posisi: Vokalis Utama
Sub-Unit: Super Junior KRY, H
Status: Aktif
Keahlian / Hobi: Nyanyi, Komposisi Musik

Biodata Kangin Super Junior
Kangin Super Junior
Nama Asli: Kim Young-woon, 김영운 (Hangul),  金永雲 (Hanja), Jiang Ren (Mandarin)
Nama Panggilan: Beruang Kangin, Pria Paling Tampan No. 1 di Korea, Kang Kings, Ox
Tempat / Tanggal Lahir: Seol Seodaemoongoo / 17 Januari 1985
Tinggi Badan: 180 cm
Berat Badan: 70 Kg
Golongan Darah: O
Agama: Kristen
Posisi: Vokalis
Sub-Unit: Super Junior T, H
Status: Aktif
Keahlian / Hobi: Nyanyi, Akting, Berenang

Biodata Shindong Super Junior
Shindong Super Junior
Nama Asli: Shin Dong-hee, 신동희 (Hangul),  申東熙 (Hanja), Shen Dong (Mandarin)
Nama Panggilan: Dongri Dong Dong, Dolpan Ogyupsal
Tempat / Tanggal Lahir: Moonkyung, Provinsi KyungGi Utara / 28 September 1985
Tinggi Badan: 178 cm
Berat Badan: 90 Kg
Golongan Darah: O
Agama: Kristen
Posisi: Dancer, Vokalis, Rapper Utama
Sub-Unit: Super Junior T, H
Status: Aktif
Keahlian / Hobi: Menari, Bikin Lelucon, Membuat Macam-macam Ekpresi Wajah

Biodata Sungmin Super Junior
Sungmin Super Junior
Nama Asli: Lee Sung-min, 이성민 (Hangul),  李晟敏 (Hanja), Cheng Min (Mandarin)
Nama Panggilan: Sweet Pumpkin, Minimi
Tempat / Tanggal Lahir: Ilsan, Provinsi KtungGi / 1 Januari 1986
Tinggi Badan: 175 cm
Berat Badan: 57 Kg
Golongan Darah: A
Agama: Kristen
Posisi: Vokalis Utama, Dancer
Sub-Unit: Super Junior T, H, M
Status: Aktif
Keahlian / Hobi: Akting, Main Musik, Bela Diri China

Biodata Eunhyuk Super Junior
Eunhyuk Super Junior
Nama Asli: Lee Hyuk-jae, 이혁재 (Hangul),  李赫宰 (Hanja), En He (Mandarin)
Nama Panggilan: Monyet, Manusia Berharga
Tempat / Tanggal Lahir: Goyangshi NeungGok / 4 April 1986
Tinggi Badan: 176 cm
Berat Badan: 58 Kg
Golongan Darah: O
Agama: Kristen
Posisi: Dancer Utama, Rapper Utama, Vokalis
Sub-Unit: Super Junior T, H, M
Status: Aktif
Keahlian / Hobi: Olahraga, Dengerin Musik, Tari

Biodata Siwon Super Junior
Siwon Super Junior
Nama Asli: Choi Si-won, 최시원 (Hangul),  崔始源 (Hanja), Shi Yuan (Mandarin)
Nama Panggilan: Kuda, Simba, Fans Tuhan No. 1
Tempat / Tanggal Lahir: Seoul Gangnam / 10 Februari 1987
Tinggi Badan: 183 cm
Berat Badan: 65 Kg
Golongan Darah: B
Agama: Kristen
Posisi: Vokalis, Visual
Sub-Unit: Super Junior M
Status: Aktif
Keahlian / Hobi: Akting, Olahraga, Tari, Nyanyi

Biodata Donghae Super Junior
Donghae Super Junior
Nama Asli: Lee Dong-hae, 이동해 (Hangul),  李東海 (Hanja), Dong Hai (Mandarin)
Nama Panggilan: Pinokio, Macan
Tempat / Tanggal Lahir: Mokpo, Provinsi Jeolla / 15 Oktober 1986
Tinggi Badan: 175 cm
Berat Badan: 60 Kg
Golongan Darah: A
Agama: Kristen
Posisi: Dancer Utama, Vokalis
Sub-Unit: Super Junior M
Status: Aktif
Keahlian / Hobi: Olahraga, Tari, Nyanyi, Nonton

Biodata Ryeowook Super Junior
Ryeowook Super Junior
Nama Asli: Kim Ryeo-wook, 김려욱 (Hangul),  金厲旭 (Hanja), Li Xu (Mandarin)
Nama Panggilan: Eternak Maknae
Tempat / Tanggal Lahir: Incheon Bupyung Sanggokdong / 21 Juni 1987
Tinggi Badan: 173 cm
Berat Badan: 58 Kg
Golongan Darah: O
Agama: Kristen
Posisi: Vokalis Utama
Sub-Unit: Super Junior KRY, M
Status: Aktif
Keahlian / Hobi: Nyanyi, Komposisi Musik

Biodata Kibum Super Junior
Kibum Super Junior
Nama Asli: Kim Ki-bum, 김기범 (Hangul),  金起範 (Hanja), Ji Fan (Mandarin)
Nama Panggilan: Putri Salju, Yangban Kim
Tempat / Tanggal Lahir: Seoul / 21 Agustus 1987
Tinggi Badan: 179 cm
Berat Badan: 58 Kg
Golongan Darah: A
Agama: Kristen
Posisi: Rapper Utama, Vokalis
Sub-Unit: -
Status: Tidak Aktif (sejak 2009)
Keahlian / Hobi: Akting, Nyanyi

Biodata Kyuhyun Super Junior
Kyuhyun Super Junior
Nama Asli: Cho Kyu-hyun, 조규현 (Hangul),  曺圭賢 (Hanja), Gui Xian (Mandarin)
Nama Panggilan: Kim Hyu, Game Kyu, Jumong Kyu, dan masih banyak sebenarnya, hehehe
Tempat / Tanggal Lahir: Seoul Nohwon / 3 Februari 1988
Tinggi Badan: 180 cm
Berat Badan: 68 Kg
Golongan Darah: A
Agama: Kristen
Posisi: Vokalis Utama
Sub-Unit: Super Junior KRY, M
Status: Aktif
Keahlian / Hobi: Nonto, Main Game, Nyanyi

Nah, itulah profil dan biodata lengkap personil Super Junior atau SuJu. Bagaimana? Lengkapkan? Tunggu post berikutnya tentang artis-artis lain baik dari Korea, Indonesesia dan pokoknya seluruh negara. 
Dinikmatin ya gan MV nya...
Rabu, 05 Juni 2013
Posted by Unknown


 [News] JYJ Junsu Updates His Fans With Picture in Sunglasses

Group JYJ's member Junsu updated his fans.

Today, Junsu posted on his Twitter, "I watched the musical for the first time in a while. 'Jesus Of Christ!' A picture at a coffee shop! Everyone is doing well, right?" along with a picture.

In the picture, Junsu is in a black shirt with sunglasses, smiling at the camera.

Photo Credit: Junsu Twitter

 [News] Boyfriend Donghyun-B1A4 Sandeul Casted for Lead Role for Musical 'Thousandth Man' 

 B1A4, Sandeul, Boyfriend, Donghyun
 dol group members Boyfriend Donghyun and B1A4 Sandeul have been chosen as lead roles for the musical 'Thousanth Man'.

Donghyun's agency stated, "Donghyun and Sandeul have been casted for this musical and will be doing a musical for the first time. Donghyun was chosen as the lead role after his first musical audition."

This musical will be gin this September in Japan at the AiiA Theater Tokyo.

On the other hand, Boyfriend has recently released a new song and is busy in Korea and Japan.


Profile and Biodata Boyfriend

 Boy Friend (보이 프렌드) is a South Korean boy band under the auspices of Starship Entertainment. This group contains six members are Kim Dong Hyun, Shin Hyun Seong, Lee Jeong Min, Jo Young Min, Jo Kwang Min and No Min Woo. Boyfriend first debuted in KBS Music Bank on May 27, 2011, with a single called Boyfriend which was created by the Brave Brothers.

For the pre-debut, Kwang Min and Young Min had previously undergone an audition for JYP Entertainment, where they are in training for two years. 100 days when their children become actors, Kwang Min and Young Min has appeared in over 300 commercials. Meanwhile, the leader Dong Hyun while still in high school starred CONDUCT ZERO, a variety show in which six high school students in the rebels suddenly have to become a role model student. He was also in one of the Japanese group after another ad.

No Min Woo is the first member of this group were revealed to the public. Reported on March 22, 2011, Min Woo a cameo in the music video My Heart Beating, K-Will is also ruled by the same management with the Boyfriend. Two days later photos of the twins Jo Young Min and Jo Kwang Min revealed by Starship Entertainment. Also revealed that before they were both back-up dancer from K-Will in the program That Changes the World, precisely in January 2011.

 Member Boy Friend :

Birth Name: Kim Dong Hyun  (김동현)
Stage Name: Donghyun
Position: Leader, Lead Vocalist
Date of Birth: February 12, 1989
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Educational Background: MyeongJi University – Musical Science
Specialty: knows how to speak Korean, Japanese and English fluently
Facts: the least eater in the group, has the most interest in fashion

Birth Name: Shim Hyun Seong (심현성)
Stage Name: Hyunseong
Position: Main Vocalist
Date of Birth: June 9, 1993
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Educational Background: Young Dong High School
Specialty: Knows Japanese

Birth Name: Lee Jeong Min (이정민)
Stage Name: Jeongmin
Nickname: Mirror Prince
Position: Lead Vocalist
Date of Birth: January 2, 1994
Height: 173 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Educational Background: Seoul Music High School
Specialty: Piano
Facts: likes to chew bubblegum & his role-model is G-Dragon

Birth Name: Jo Young Min (조영민)
Stage Name: Youngmin
Position: Vocalist, Lead Dancer, Face of The Group
Date of Birth: April 24, 1995 (Older Twin)
Height: 180 cm
Educational Background: School of Performing Arts Seoul
Specialty: Acting
Facts: the most sensitive member & enraged easily

Birth Name: Jo Kwang Min  (조광민)
Stage Name: Kwangmin
Position: Main Rapper, Lead Dancer
Date of Birth: April 24, 1995 (Younger Twin)
Height: 180 cm
Educational Background: School of Performing Arts Seoul
Specialty: Acting
Facts: fails at winking & loves Pikachu

 Birth Name: No Min Woo (노민우)
Stage Name: Minwoo
Position: Lead Rapper, Main Dancer & Maknae
Date of Birth: July 31, 1995
Height: 174 cm
Educational Background: School of Performing Arts Seoul
Specialties: Acting, Hapikdo, Swimming & Fluent in English
Facts: fan of SNSD’s Jessica & acting experience

Sorry I just posting late-afternoon ..... Hope you all are not disappointed .... in just enough of ya ...> _ ^

Profile and Biodata Boyfriend

Rabu, 29 Mei 2013
Posted by Unknown
Full Profile and Fact G-Dragon of Big Bang

 Profile and the fact the Big Bang G-Dragon - Kwon Ji Yong, better known by the name G-Dragon is a member of the boy band group from South Korea, Big Bang. Not enough time to describe how his famous and talented man on this one. Korean maniac will summarize the interesting facts about G-Dragon. Happy reading.

    -G-Dragon is the leader of the group Big Bang
-G-Dragon is often compose the song material and producing songs for Big Bang
-G-Dragon is a singer and songwriter who is very well known in the Korean music industry
-Her stage name (G-Dragon) derived from his real name is, G (derived from Ji) and Dragon (derived from  Yong means dragon / dragon)
-G-Dragon received an award in 2007 for best songwriter
-G-Dragon has a distinctive sound kind of high
-G-Dragon launch her career when she was a child, he was incorporated into the popular children's program "BBO BBO BBO"
-G-Dragon underwent training at YG Entertainment when his age was 12 years
-G-Dragon has released his first solo album in 2009
-G-Dragon joined the sub group GD & TOP (* sub group of the Big Bang)
-G-Dragon master the Korean language, English, and Chinese
G-Dragon hobby is drawing and listening to music
-G-Dragon launch his career in 2001 as a rapper
-G-Dragon's first girlfriend is a woman older than him
-G-Dragon has a tattoo on his right arm and his left, one of his tattoo picture Dragon Ball
-G-Dragon's favorite artist is Jay-Z, Blackstreet, JO, Pharrell, Maroon 5, Mondo Grosso
Type G-Dragon ideal woman is Kim Tae Hee and SNSD Yoona
-G-Dragon is the first order for the Top 20 Idol who has the highest income
-G-Dragon has a dog named Gaho
-G-Dragon has a star-shaped pendant (* he chose the star that he is also a star in the music world)
The most valuable item mnurut G-Dragon is clothes, shoes and hats
-G-Dragon has a dream to be like MR.YG (* who has agency YG Entertainment), because he could realize the dream of many people
-The fans said that G-Dragon looks very cool, when in fact he is very friendly
-G-Dragon said that he became a singer because of destiny
Speed ​​dialing number 1 in mobile phones G-Dragon is the name of the father
If G-Dragon to be a woman, then he will choose Seung Ri among the other members of Big Bang
-G-Dragon said that he would look very cool when he finished bathing (* Her favorite part is her hair) LOL

Full Profile and Fact G-Dragon of Big Bang

Senin, 27 Mei 2013
Posted by Unknown

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